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A Brief And Handy Guide To Marketplace Insurance

Have you thought of purchasing health insurance for you, your family or your employees? Have you given up that idea simply because there were way too many companies offering a million different plans and confusing you? Was the insurance jargon all too complex and confounding? Well, here is a way to resolve all that. Log on to www.HealthCare.gov and find answers to all your questions/doubts regarding health insurance.

Websites where people can purchase health insurance plans, with or without the financial help of the Federal Government, are called Marketplaces and healthcare.gov is a popular example of one such site.

A Brief And Handy Guide To Marketplace Insurance
A single website that displays all health insurance options and lets you compare coverage benefits in relation to the cost and premiums to be paid, is certainly a huge advantage. Displayed in a simple, easy to understand and navigable style, the health insurance marketplace categorizes insurance plans in four levels, bronze, silver, gold, and platinum based on their levels of coverage: 60% of the medical expenses incurred by the policyholder for bronze, 70% for silver, 80% for gold and 90% for platinum. 37 out of 50 states in the USA have chosen to use a federally-facilitated Marketplace, the healthcare.gov website, for their residents to purchase health insurance coverage.

  1. Log in.
  2. Study and compare plans.
  3. Select the option that best suits your needs.
  4. Your insurance policy is registered once you pay the premium (directly to the insurance company).
  5. Collect your ID card.
  6. Enjoy health insurance coverage.

Follow these simple steps to get Marketplace Insurance. We live in the digital world, so visiting the Marketplace on the healthcare.gov website is the easiest way to enroll in health insurance. If you still have a doubt, simply log in now to check it yourself.

Although the Open Enrollment Period for 2018 is over, if you are eligible for the Special Enrollment Period, you can still get your health insurance in the Marketplace. However, if it is Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program that you qualify for, there is no specific enrollment period, you can register anytime.

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